Tag Archives: parents

“But Mom, Brendan’s mom let him go to Lake Tanganyika and deep-river fish right after Plett Rage!”


You’re fourteen, and your best friend proudly hoists her t-shirt up to reveal a sparkling – and probably swollen red – belly button. Her mom let her get a belly piercing, whereas yours just let you get your ears pierced. Maybe.

You’re seventeen, show up at a friend’s place and he casually pops open a beer can for his dad, and then… for himself. You swallow your own gasp and mentally picture the fiery rage your dad would fly into if he saw you as so much sniff alcohol.

And then you’re eighteen. And surely, surely, this is it. This is the end of the overly pedantic parenting, right? Hold up.

Because if any of the above rang at all familiar to you, or even if it didn’t, there’s a possibility of something far more ominous coming your way: The anti-gap year parent. Read the rest of this entry